Friday, September 18, 2009

Back to work

I had a nice week back to work. It's nice to put on a skirt and talk to the teachers. They are such a wonderful group of men and women and sorely underpaid! We are getting ready to go to Pancho Villas for dinner and have a Mojito! All is well and the weather is beautiful!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

End of summer

It's hard to believe that summer is just about over. Nick goes back to school on the 8th!It's beginning to feel like fall. The past couple of mornings have started out in the low 50's and highs around 75.

It is so pretty in Virginia, I don't know if I can retire anywhere else. We have 2 more years before Nick goes to college. If he goes to VCU or Temple we will stay here a while longer. He really likes both schools and fortunately he has very good grades so being accepted shouldn't be a far so good!

I have enjoyed the summer, it was very fun and busy too! I miss my family and am thinking about a December trip out west.