Thursday, July 16, 2009


Loving all the changes to the house. We have a 1989 colonial house and it is a pretty home, if I may say so myself, but needed some updates. We now have an updated kitchen and it is fun! We can eat at the island...just another place to congregate. I just finished painting the guest room, daughters room who moved out, and did all the trim too. The windows in this house are all wooden pane so it takes much longer to do the trim. Oh well I wouldn't want those vinyl framed windows..I like the wood! We are going to Virginia Tech this weekend to drop off Nick to soccer camp then we are going to see the Natural Bridge. I have never seen it but I hear it's pretty interesting. Nick is in Miami on business then back to New York next week - busy busy man. We are having a terrific summer so far. I look forward to my trip back to California next month to visit. I can't believe the kids birthdays are coming up, 23 and 16 WOW! Have a terrific summer!

1 comment:

moni said...

You guys are so busy, coming and going, lol. Enjoy California and hope that Nicholas has a good soccer camp this year. And, sure wish Nick good travels. Enjoy while you can, life just speeds by.:(