Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stafford County Grading System

This article is from Fairfax County - We just went through the SAME thing here in Stafford County - Our current grading scale is:

100-98 A+
97-94 A
93-90 B+
89-86 B
85-82 C+
81-78 C
77-74 D+
73-70 D
69-0 F

As the article states, it's not fair to our kids. NExt year Stafford County is changing to the 10-point scale. WHat this means is that Nicholas has 2 years at the old system and 2 years at the new system.

To the grade-grubbers go the spoils. And the grade-grubbers in this case are rabble-rousing parents in Virginia's Fairfax County. Residents of the high-powered Washington suburb have been battling the district's tough grading practices; chief among their complaints is that scoring a 93 gets recorded as a lowly B+. After forming an official protest group last year called Fairgrade and goading the school board into voting on whether to ease the standards, parents marshaled 10,000 signatures online and nearly 500 in-person supporters to help plead their case on Jan. 22. After two hours of debate, the resolution passed, a move critics consider a defeat in the war on grade inflation. (Read about students getting paid for good grades.)

At most schools in the U.S., a 90 earns you an A, but in Fairfax County, getting the goods demands a full 94. Merely passing is tougher, too, requiring a 64 rather than a 60. Nor do students get much help clearing those high bars if they take tougher courses. Compared to the kind of GPA "weighting" many districts give for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses, Fairfax County's half-point boost is peanuts. The upshot, protestors say, is that Fairfax kids are at a disadvantage on multiple fronts: snagging good-driver insurance discounts (which often factor in GPA), earning NCAA eligibility, winning merit scholarships, and - oh, yeah - getting into college.

1 comment:

moni said...

I am glad to hear that your grading system is getting in line with the rest of the country.